ICSL’s undergraduate member, M. Reza Karimi, won the first place award for the best presentation in the Lassonde’s undergraduate research conference. More info here: http://www.lassondeundergraduateresearch.com/2019-summer-research-at-lassonde/
His research was on the design of “a patient-specific AI-based seizure detection algorithms”
Update (January 2020): Reza’s work was accepted as a conference paper in IEEE ISCAS 2020 that will be presented in May 2020 in Seville, Spain:
R. Karimi, H. Kassiri, “A Multi-Feature Nonlinear-SVM Seizure Detection Algorithm with Patient-Specific Channel Selection and Feature Customization”, accepted for lecture presentation, IEEE ISCAS, Seville, Spain, May 2020.
Congrats Reza!