Bindkeys for IC5

Guide for Virtuoso IC5 bindkeys, help :

*** To load the bindkey by default :
1. find or create “.cdsinit” file in your home director (/cs/home/*user_name*)
2. add this line to the end of the file -> load(“/cs/research/icsl/shared/bindkeys_ic5”)

Key Function

— Edit commands

i create an instance
w create wire
c Copy
m move
p create pin
l create label
r Rotate
s stretch
delete Delete object

— Moving in hierarchy

x Descend
Shift+b return

— Navigation / Display

f fit screen
q Object properties
e Display settings
u undo
Ctrl + u Redo
Shift + z Zoom out
Ctrl + z Zoom in
Arrow keys Navigate the screen
Ctrl + a Select all

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