Medical Device Lab (BioPAC parts)

Storage Place DEVICE CODE Qty Notes
A 1 BIOPAC Electrode Lead Set SS2LB 24 BSL Book 1
2 BIOPAC Disposable Electrodes EL503 1100
3 BIOPAC Electrode Gel GEL100 12
Abrasive Pad ELPAD 12
BIOPAC Headphones OUT1A 12
4 BIOPAC Hand Dynamometer SS25LB 12
BIOPAC Pulse Transducer SS4LA 12
PRIMACARE Blood pressure monitor DS-9197-BK 6
SANTAMEDICAL Blood pressure monitor BW-210 6
B 1 BIOPAC Temperature Transducer SS6L 11
BIOPAC Visual LED Stimulator OUT4 12
2 BIOPAC Hand Switch SS10L 12
3 EDA Lead  SS57L 12
EDA Electrodes EL507 1100
4 BIOPAC Twin-axis Goniometer SS21L 12
BIOPAC Respiratory Effort Transducer SS5LB 2
BIOPAC Airflow Transducer SS11LA 12
C 1 BIOPAC Pressure Cuff SS19L 12
2 BIOPAC Stethoscope SS30L 12
3 BIOPAC Bacteriological Filter AFT1 12
BIOPAC Disposable Mouthpiece AFT2 12
BIOPAC Noseclip AFT3 12
4 BIOPAC Calibration Srynge AFT6A 12
BIOPAC Reflex Hammer SS36L 12
D 1 Pulse Oximeter OXYSSH 12 OXYSSH-SYS    Human Oximetry System (KIT)
SpO2 Finger Transducer TSD124A 12
2 Pulse Cable for OXYSSH BSLCBL15 12
Rate Cable for OXYSSH BSLCBL16 12
pH Probe w/male BNC RXPROBE-01 6 pH Probe Transducer (SS68L)
pH Probe Interface BSL-TCI21 6
4 Dissolved O2 Probe RXPROBE-02 6 O2 Probe Transducer & interface (SS69L)
BSL interface-BT conn. BSL-TCI16 6
Noninvasive Cardiac Output Sensor SS31L 12
E 1 Tubephone Set OUT101 12
2 Female BNC output adapter for MP36 OUT3 12
BNC to 0.25 inch conn adapter CUSTOM 12
3 Electrode Cap CAP100C 11
F 1 Human-Safe Stimulator STMHUM 11
2 Tri-Axial Accelerometers 50G SS27L 6
3 Shielded Electrode Lead Adapter SS1LA 48
Female BNC input adapter for MP36 SS70L 12
Test Leads BNC male to Minigrabber clips 12
4 Jumper Connector JUMP100C 36
Needle electrode Unipolar EL452 36
Custom Input Interface Kit SS-KIT-IN 12
G 1 Breadboard Signal / Power Cable SS39L-1 12 SS39L Signal Proc. Breadboard Kit
2 Signal Cable-SS39L to MP3X SS60L 12
SS2L to Breadboard Interface (SS39L) BSL-TCI22 12
3 BSL Breadboard + Accesories SS39L 12
3 Breadboard Electronic Devices – Refills 25
3 Flat Nose Pliers 10
H Calcium Ion-selective Electrode 6
Chloride Ion-selective Electrode 6
Potassium Ion-selective Electrode 6
Ammonium Ion-selective Electrode 6
Nitrate Ion-selective Electrode 6
A 2 Supportive Wrap for EEG (To press electrodes against head) 12
WCB-02 1 SelfAdherent Wraps (To press electrodes in any part of the body) 24
Storage Place DEVICE CODE Qty Notes
On top of Wall Cabinets MATS FOR ECG 6
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