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ISSCC 2018 paper accepted

October 2017: Our paper “50nW 5kHz-BW Opamp-Less ΔΣ Impedance Analyzer for Brain Neurochemistry Monitoring” is accepted for presentation in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, Feb 2018.


Open Positions in ICSL

September 2017: Graduate Research Open Positions (starting Jan. or Sept. 2018).

We have multiple positions available for motivated and talented M.Sc. or Ph.D. students. If you are interested to join our lab, please contact us with your resume and transcript and a brief statement of interest for the project(s) you want to work on.


IEEE JSSC paper accepted

September 2017:

Our paper “Rail-to-Rail-Input Dual-Radio 64-channel Closed-Loop Neurostimulator” is accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits.


ICSL director recognized as one of Lassonde research leaders

August 2017: Hossein was recognized as one of Lassonde research leaders for his research work on implantable devices for epilepsy seizure detection.


Two papers accepted to MWSCAS’17

May 2017:

Two of our paper

  1. An Area- and Power-Efficient Mixed-Mode Fully Programmable FIR Filter for Biomedical Interface Microsystems
  2. Fully Discrete-Time Neural Recording Front-Ends: Feasibility and Design Considerations

are accepted for lecture presentation in IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Boston, August 2017.


IEEE TBioCAS paper accepted

April 2017: Our paper “Closed-Loop Neurostimulators: A Survey and A Seizure-Predicting Design Example for Intractable Epilepsy Treatment” is accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.


Our work was featured by UHN

March 2017 : Our work on early epilepsy seizure detection was featured by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.

More detail here:

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